Blue Ridge for Outdoor Sports Lovers
Plenty a weekend is spent in the mountains of Blue Ridge, feet lounging on the deck of log cabin…juicy novel…
Two of the greatest outdoor adventures in the world begin in Fannin County.
Both the Appalachian and Benton MacKaye Trails start at the top of Springer Mountain. Below are sections of the trail that include the terminus of the trail on Springer Mountain, the hike from the terminus to Three Forks on Noontootla Creek, and the hike to Long Creek Falls from Three Forks. All three may be too much for a day, but all three are worth the effort for anyone who loves the outdoors.
This is the starting point of the Appalachian Trail on its 2,200 mile journey north to Maine. From Blue Ridge, take Aska Rd., 13.5 miles until it dead ends into Newport Road. Turn right on Newport Road, go 4.5 miles until it dead ends into Doublehead Gap. Turn right on Doublehead Gap and go 2 miles to FS road 42 (on the left). Turn left and go approximately 6.5 to 7 miles to parking area on your left. From the parking lot take the trail back across the road for a short .9 mile hike to the summit. Parking lot - N 34°38.262' W084°11.712'
The hike to Three Forks begins in the Springer Mountain parking lot following the trailhead at that location.
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A junction of the Appalachian Trail and Benton MacKaye Trail, located on FS Road 58 on Noontootla Creek. You can also start a 3.7 mile hike to Springer Mountain from Three Forks. From Blue Ridge, go south on Aska Road to the end. Turn right onto Newport Road, go 4.5 miles to end. Turn left onto Doublehead Gap Road, cross a concrete bridge, where the road will become dirt/gravel. Continue .3 miles, just past the church and cemetery you will turn right onto dirt/gravel Forest Service Road 58. Drive a scenic 5.3 miles to the Three Forks area. There will be a hikers crossing sign. From here you can hike across the bridge for the 3.7 mile hike to Springer Mountain, the start of the Appalachian Trail.
From Blue Ridge, go south on Aska Road 13.5 miles to end. Turn right onto Newport Road, go 4.5 miles to end. Turn left onto Doublehead Gap Road and continue on this road about .8 miles to intersection with dirt-gravel USFS Road 58 intersecting sharply from right. Turn onto FS 58 and continue into forest and uphill 5.3 miles to Three Forks. The parking area is on the right at Noontootla Creek, a beautiful trout stream (Hiker's Crossing Sign). The trail to Long Creek Falls is on the left. Noontootla Creek is on the right as you drive. The trail to the falls starts as a gradual hike alongside Long Creek. There are three short ascents before reaching the blue blazed side trial to the falls at 1.1 miles. N 34°39.815' W084°11.053' is the trailhead fix.
Be prepared for wilderness and carry the 10 Essentials (wiki or Google it). See the USFS web site at www.fs.fed.us/conf/. The law of the forest is “leave no trace”. See www.LNT.org for info. Please pack in all you will need and pack out all your trash. If you build a fire, never leave it unattended. Use good judgment when hiking, particularly around waterfalls where rocks are often wet, moss covered and slippery. If hiking during hunting season, wear a brightly colored vest. Please respect our precious natural resources.
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